Friday, January 21, 2011

The Object


There is a melting in the core.
The wax flows out.

It is my heart
(a frail object forsaken by subject and verb.
Define: Intransitive.)

(Ergative-absolutive alignment- hmm.)

Even a French philosopher would tap his existential cigarette
Contemplate a pause-
To rationalize in eloquence
Something so fragile
A blistered skin that still pumps a vigorous blood-
It would violate his savoir-faire
He would watch the sky and keep silent.


This befits
Casual reference from an indifferent capitalist:
A mono-chromatic American
Typical generalization
An assembly-line epigram
Pithy label graphically designed.

When truthfully,
Aside from typical bullshit

To stake this quivering organ

(a frail and relentless pump, it keeps the ship from sinking
Yet it leaks from defective holes;
It can but maintain a desperate equilibrium.)

Lo, this oxmoronic reconciliation
It breathes a cooperative contradiction
Engenders benevolent paradox tightened by a curse.

A fervent soul graced with sufic verbal play
Would upon reflection say:
Not 'pathetic'

Yes, Pathetique!

A wounded muscle
With molecular engine that haphazard fires
Sparks electric jolts through tired coils
Dim cerebral pain.
An obstinate tyranny of a thirsty will
That will not surrender on a deserted battlefield.
Hands that pull the wounded belly
Paint a bloodstain across the ground
Magnetic beauty of the setting sun.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Massacre at Verden

In Verden
They fell;
One by one
Saxons all
Five hundred plus four thousand
Beneath the old council tree
Each tribal chieftan's head did fall.

Long lines of men
Beneath alder trees tall.
A breeze moved their beards,
But they could not see.
It was overcast
The sun was blind
The sky did not witness,
But flowing them beside,
Through reeds, the river Aller spoke:

Sons of ancient pride,
Why stand you in silence
Long lines, somber eyed?

One giant with braided mane
Hands lashed to point of pain
He heard the river and he spoke:

Mother of Saxons and Germans old,
From Charlemagne the new king
Of Christ a new god we were told;
Now his praises we must sing
Renounce our tribal faith and blood
'Else drown beneath the Frankish flood.

Charlemagne says:
Pagan Chiefs! Kneel to Christ and kiss his feet.
Saxon, lower your eyes and incline your brow-
Or by the holy cross, our swords will be fleet
Axes shall fall on they who do not bow.

The river Aller sighed:
Saxon, ancient son, I know.
My waters with blood do flow.
A river of death have I become.

So the line progressed,
And they fell
One by one
With bound hands
Under bloody axe

Saxons all
Five hundred plus four thousand
Beneath the old council tree
Each chieftan's head did fall.

The river ran bloody
Red stain upon the land
Charlemagne killed the chiefs
Converting their tribes to Christ,
Under the old Saxon council tree 
The stack of heads and bodies did grow
While blood into the river Aller flowed.