Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last salvo

Two hours past midnight
I wonder
Clutching shreds of text
Tinkering with tattered machines
Compounded and combined
Strewn 'cross the plain of time
Something from Dali's mind
The desperate efforts of whispering madmen
Fleeting forms
The artist and poet
With song and poem
Rusting skeletons with silver plate
Chisel-chipping hieroglyphs in river stone
Thinking twigs forever losing leaves.
A melting of chaos made by angels falling
The hurler and the hurled
The world below,
A pool that is boiling.

We are a raging fever of little cells
Kept in quarantine
It has stretched to hold our minds.

Delusion of the latest hour
Where lettered pages little avail
All books fade and finally fail.
They are but the fuel and foundation
A funeral pyre to warm the incoming generation.
Tomorrow comes quickly.
New cities grow
Bridges are built
And tigers still shred antelope on the plain.

My thoughts are dust
Words are simply shapes.


Paradox has always been a major part of my life. Defining this paradox as dualism alone does not feel right. I would say it is a cooperative paradox if that makes sense. I see dualism as sun versus moon, good versus evil, male versus female. A cooperative paradox would be sun and shadow, wisdom and knowledge, husband and wife. A cooperative paradox would be a yin yang symbol, or an Ankh. There is a flow between two realities, like a brother and sister ruling the same kingdom. For many years I have been torn between transcendent/cerebral/spiritual pursuits and organic/sexual/desire pursuits. My external struggles have only served to illustrate the internal strife that has plagued me since self awareness.

There have been times where I felt the refined senses, the beauty of spiritual purity was the lonely but true way. However, there was something liberating in the full power of loins, the animal sense of gratuitous fulfillment, the ripe strength and raw pleasure of sexuality. That was where the power of oxygenated blood and sweat and musk fueled real emotion, human feelings and dynamic that pushed dramatic art far beyond the crystalline beauty of the cerebral vision.

I guess that is why we quote Shakespeare, 

What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Human beings are living earth, and they feel the world the way other beings cannot. Yes, we have no wings. Yes, we are condemned to all the troubles of mortal coil- cold, sweat, shit, spit, influenza, broken bones.... all of it! But we LIVE life more readily than the flickering holograms that watch us in our little rooms, whether those found in palatial Beverly Hill Estates or a Neolithic round house with its thatched roof. We have the palpitating beauty of a hummingbird imbued with the survival instinct of the cockroach.

My whole blasted point is, tonight I am excited because I have begun a book which promises a possible explanation, perhaps a justification or even better, clear interpretation of this cooperative paradox between the bestial and angelic components of a human being.

Anti-Oedipus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia, written by two Frenchmen, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, promises great things within the introduction. 

I am excited.


Saturday, November 27, 2010



It was…

'Friend!' to you

Across the long water,

The silence, the golden silence that rolled from the horizon in motion.

My word-

A solitary echo that resounded,

Sang like a single bird in lion’s-mane cage

Rang in a silence made golden by

A tired sun resting on the world's curve.

My word soared like an arrow shot over an empty plain.

The silence came in molten waves

Waves rolling in a rhythm of breathing light

A restless seething against the night.

This word sent an echo into a place forgotten

An old word with a lost meaning

Remembered only by

Old men

And the very young.

It was…

“Friend!” to you

Across the long water,

The silence, the golden silence that rolled from the horizon in motion.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am tired of life. No suicidal ideation here, but I wish I wasn't so bound by the grid. I wish I wasn't enmeshed in my carefully balanced "house of cards life". Where are the wild OMs? Tired of these Draags.

After watching the show this weekend, my desire to learn French was renewed. "Fantastic Planet" is a cardboard cutout title next to: " La Planète Sauvage".

(the nasal of Fannn - tasss- tic Planit, Texas twang to the rolling elegance in a melodious baritone rumble: La PLAHNETE... Sauvage... )

Life on the savage planet, where most of us live lives of quiet desperation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Here I go again

drifting right now...
I watched Apocalypse Now last night after drinking 3 cups of coffee. So there I sat, wired with caffeine, watching Colonel Kurtz philosophize and get hacked to pieces. When the screen went to black, I pulled out Philip K Dick and finished his relatively unknown novel, The Maze of Death.

Still couldn't sleep, and everyone was knocked out.

So I sat at my little desk, put on the film score from Inception, cranked the volume and just let my subconscious flow through my fingertips onto the keyboard. The song, "Time" is the best I think:

The composer, Hans Zimmer has a solid grasp of conveying strong emotion through subtle tones. I love his work from The Thin Red Line and other pieces.

This song was a powerful, wistful, somber but with a passion that came in slow waves. You could film a warrior's last moments as he carried a friend to safety before bleeding out; or a couple making love in a room with snow outside, the rhythmic weave of bodies with closeups of facial expressions in shadow... It starts out slow, but with an ebbing and flowing that builds to a heavy climax with a slow tapering into single piano keys. Tenderness and strength, vulnerability and power all blended together.

Sweeping sadness. A prizefighter weeping. I don't know, but damn! A beautiful piece.

Often I will pick an amazing piece and write to it. Just let my mind drift like Nostradamus staring at his midnight basin of water, one hand scribbling out the future. So this stuff is personal subconscious stuff. Not exquisite by any means, a little repetitive like "chemical machine". Ever since I left the mortuary, my concept of the human body has changed. That the skin holds a complex set of ongoing chemical reactions dominates my perception of the human form. A woman is still beautiful, two eyes still glisten with humanity, but I cannot shake the image of the decaying form from my mind.

Disgust has long since faded. It is replaced by a sense of reality, a terrible final sadness that death is totally real for these beautiful biological forms. A human being in his or her body is beautiful, arch-angelic. We are made more beautiful by our temporal nature, by our transience in this world. That is the tragedy, and that is what is the most beautiful. My poem from my book A Piece of Cobalt Sky says it best:

Between Sleeping and Waking

All I have
Is this tender castle of my body,
A mist of atoms
Frail in their solemnity
Balanced in a fragile truce between
Potential and actuality
Duality of love and sadness
Linked by a vapor of electric charge.
From the choked orifice of my heart
The universe sings
And I dream of deep waters and tall trees.

For me, poems do not usually spring out of my head in full armor, but this one did in Iraq. I was almost asleep, listening to the beat of distant blackhawk rotors, and suddenly the words came in full sentences. The only change was "this tender castle of my BODY" from "this tender castle of my FLESH". I hardly ever go with the results of a popular poll, but too many women said it conjured up a phallic tower, and that was not my intent in the poem, so I changed it to body. Although I have to say I still place my vote for flesh as opposed to body. Anyway.

So I went with Inception, and switching to Adagio for Strings Tiesto Remix, I had these visions of the crazed Colonel Kurtz dancing in the jungle to trance, muttering lines from the wasteland.... I think I failed on the ending. I don't like it. Here they are.

And if you want to see where they came from, or rather hear:


Poem I

There is a spiraling that goes unnoticed
Lateness comes early.


No defence against mortal prejudice.
Brass trumpets blow
They blow with an iron sound
Steps are heavy and slow
A march inevitable.

His heart has stopped.
Carry him softly.
Carry him softly.

Poem II

After midnight
I sit alone.
There are no words
No thoughts.
Time seems to change
All constants are off.
A sadness comes
A faint but penetrating smell.
My animal senses stir
But my soul is awake.
Sound is less
Touch is in a dream.
I see visuals like a program
A photonic dance on an internal screen.
This sadness says:
Wayfarer, where do you wander?
What dark forests in the night
Breaking holes in frozen waters
Searching for a lost sword to slay the dream-
O wanderer!
O chemical machine!

I exhale
I feel my shirt against my skin
My toes touch the winter floor.
I am here.
I cannot leave.
Tomorrow the alarm will ring
My eyes will open.
I will swallow and clear my throat
Grind beans for coffee
Spill a little water on the floor.

I cannot escape this.
This is real.
But this is not real.
What is real and not real are reversed.

I can get a smell of the real.
It is not intrinsically sad
But I feel a great sadness because the real is close
I can sense it
But I cannot see it and I cannot find it.
So my heart becomes sad.

My son was sleeping in my bed.
When I woke him to move him,
I felt his shoulder and it was hot;
I realized he was a furnace with living blood
He was a combination of chemicals chain reacting
His skin was a sensor that felt my hand and woke him.
His eyelids opened with muscles and he saw me.
But when he saw me
He smiled
And I saw he was a soul and not a chemical machine
But his eyes were still asleep.
So we are slumbering souls
We ride smiling chemical machines.
Our hearts are filled with sadness.

Measure each minute
Organize actions
Make systems
Click Clack

Keep it going
Green-Yellow-Red-Green-Yellow-Red- Green-Yellow-Red- Green-Yellow-Red- Green-
Don’t create, just repeat.
In a desperate rhythm

And the ghosts bid me:
But I keep typing
The one man awake.
And the ghosts whispered:
But I keep on typing
The one man awake.

I looked at my son
Found a chemical machine.
I looked at this chemical machine
I saw his soul
Within his soul

Desperate man
Alone at midnight
Trying to gauge this ocean.
It is black
The depths have hungry hands.

Leaning on the desk
I look over my shoulder
Every hair stands on end.

Every mental weapon I hurl
Mind an anvil
My thoughts hammers
Beating on the door of time!
A fish on the hook
Turning and tossing
Fighting with the dream.

Poem III

Solace is a lost world.
Love that is unspoken
Dreams unknown.

Sparrows falling in a storm
In the wind
In the madness
I missed you
But I could not forget you.

Read this note.
I left it pinned
On a random tree
In some field
Outside a small town without suburbs.

People will drive by it tomorrow
They will look straight ahead at the road.

On their way to church
In their Sunday best,
They will not notice it.

It will flutter just for you
Each word an isolated note
An echoing stroke
A gentle finger
Each piano key
Struck singlely.
My note with its small words
In the early morning
A paho waving in the wind.

Remember me.

Poem IV

Mistuh Kurtz
He Dead.

Stood between life and death.
Drank full the cup of horror
Danced into a purple haze
Drank death till he crucified his mind.

Yes, the arms were hacked
Yes, they made a pile
And he wanted strength
A noble army strong with horror
But he thought this was an addition
When it was really a subtraction
The multiplication of a fraction.

You cannot meet fear without trembling
You cannot meet death without dying.
Dancing in the jungle
He was a hollow man.
He met death and he drank death down.
If you drink death and become death
You can meet death without dying.
Fear becomes you, and you are not afraid.

Yet they were hollow men-
Hollow men!
Fear carved them empty
Weak bodies
Chemical machines 
When they held death
Death ate them like acid.

Mistuh Kurtz
He dead because he wanted dem general stars.
He wanted dem stars the way he had wanted airborne wings.
The path from gleam to gleam
Flash to flash
(a secret emptiness)
(a cold wind)
(did we not say they were hollow men?)
They told him, "Do this! We will give them to you."
So he saluted, and he left, because he wanted them.
Kurtz entered the jungle unaware
He thought,
"Just one more mission,
Then I will ascend the gleaming stairs."
But the jungle is different
It has no system.
It was an ambush to his plans
It delivered a primal answer
To the human question.
It answered as the jungle,
In a way grocers do not.
Kurtz left the polished floor and journeyed into muck.
He lost himself
He could not go back.
But he could not go forward.
He short circuited
Crucifying men in rages
Reading poetry under twilight
In a Buddhist temple
Staring into darkness and the canopy
Searching for signs but finding only filth.
Surrounded by sweat and blood and mud
He did not want the stars
The flash, the gleam
He saw reality
The silver haired CEO's
They had sold their souls long ago.
It was all a tinsel dream.
He did not want to be a grocer in uniform
He forsook the line of dusty pictures in a Pentagon hallway.
But lying on cold stones
Darkness and death found him
In the hollow of his heart
They made their abode.

The jungle was unforgiving
Nature doesn’t lie.
These gods are wild and ruthless.
Mistuh Kurtz
Your horror is not yourself
Your horror is not the final silence
The last rolling in your blood.

It is a wicker man
It is an intelligent and hungry cancer.
It is not chaos,
It is the deliberate choice of chaos.
It is an injection of entropy into the human spirit.

You were hollow back in grocery town.
Your epiphany killed you,
Not your horror-
Even it was only an echo.

You crucified yourself
Each nail was a realization of your true condition.
You died in darkness, self-condemned.
You are a hungry ghost

Your demons?
They are the demons from your mind.

               Photo taken by myself, an awesome shot of a brilliant graffiti on a boxcar down the street.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Turning the Crank

Last night I had the writing bug, so I put on my headphones and listened to John Murphy's Adagio in D, Sunshine. It is an amazing theme from the unforgettable sci-fi movie "Sunshine".

Here are the poems that came out. Not bad poems, but decent. I always try to write my best, so it is frustrating to produce something that is good but not excellent. Too much mind, too much deliberate crafting. I think the best poetry is from "No mind", "No consciousness". But you have to stir the well, pour out the pitcher so that it keeps getting filled.

So... here they are anyway:

Poem I

There was a place we knew once
We lost it.

The sky is empty.
Perhaps the stars are hidden
Maybe the universe didn’t pay the bill.
All we know,
The sky is black.

Long ago
A call went out
Our heart became attuned
Although we don't know the meter
And we don't know the rhyme.

The notes roll
One upon another
With foothills into mountains
Mountains into snow till the granite touches time:

A child is curled under covers
In early morning
The heat kicks on
Outside the windows
Tree limbs crash in a wild song.

Where is that voice that called to us?
We used to believe
I think we lost it.

I am looking for that voice
And the place from where it calls
Please tell me if you find it.
At the very least,
Write to me
Send me a letter with a map. 

Poem II 

In the moment of sunrise
I felt your hand in mine.
The rushing and the whisper
Ebb and flow
Breath of your heart.

A sudden peace
An inward turning.

The wings are silent
They move in air
Each particle of light
Swept by the horizon.

The light and the dark.

(The heart beats softly)

There is a plain under a red sky
In iron armor
Two heroes always fight.

The wings beat
Air shakes.
The anvil,
Your heart
Each breath a hammer,
Every moment
The ringing strike.

 Poem III

I saw the end
That last moment
The closing of the book
Last page turned.
It was beautiful
And terrible
A gushing flame and a roaring wind
The curtain of the world
Torn asunder.
From the uncertain sea over misted continents
God walked like a giant
Each step one thous’n mile
Legs vast and shadowed
Like elephants by Dali
The torso a mountain
Lost in the darkness of the sky.
His beard swayed
The sound of a forest raging
Hands like great tree limbs falling.
His eyes in lower heaven
Two coals of fire burning.

Friday, November 12, 2010



After Touring the Richmond City Morgue

There is a silence
A silence that comes before mourning
(like a sentence without a period)
The words do not come
Finality fills the room
An inevitable cold.

(we did not know him)

Science states
All ways lead to entropy.
Others say the long night waits for everyone.
While many say there is simply nothing.
Somewhere in the vacuum of postulating intellects
This intrinsic truth was lost in definitive nouns and adjectives.

(we did not know him)

Within singular silence
Between interior and exterior
The breathing of the wind and
A stagnant stillness

When daylight's residue paints a pale stripe in the air
An empty room with blank floors and bare walls:

A room that waits without knowing
A house without electricity
A husk in a corner.

(we did not know him)

The sounds of evening
Neighbors behind lighted windows
The smell of woodsmoke and Autumn
Trees that stand quietly in the yard.

The leaves move in the wind but there is no sound.

Inside the room, silence.
There is no observer.

(we did not know him)

There is no emotion.
The gears of the universe clicked,
There was a past
There was a present
And then a sudden motion-
Tonight the sun will set
But there is no emotion.

(we did not know him)

The room is still.

(but for the tag, we did not know him)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Sun shines on me and I like it.

There is no excuse. We must take on the world.

Build! Build! Carve out great swaths boldly!
The warmth on my face is free. Who can imagine the immensity or beauty of the sky. At any time, those of us who are free may walk beneath it.

There is no excuse. All prevarication must be denied.

If no one else had ever dared to break free of the cave to cartwheel in the open air, then we could rationalize an argument. But too many have escaped. We can see the smoke of their morning fires on the horizon, and we can smell their cooking meat.

We must engage. We must seek out our targets.

No limits.

[the other day, I was trying to describe Thomas Wolfe's work. i am reading "O' Lost!", the unabridged version of "Look Homeward Angel". I was trying to say that you could not "read" Thomas Wolfe because his writing is too rich- you have to "eat" it so to speak, but not like food, more like eating a landscape. Of course, that just sounded crazy- I was trying to say that Wolfe's thoughts are too big to objectify- they have an organic life of their own, and coupled with an immensity of scope, grouping them with the usual clever novel just doesn't work. So here is a metaphorical/poetical attempt to explain my understanding ( : ]

I do not read Thomas Wolfe.
I cannot.
His words are too large.
Textual landscapes
Verdant sentences thick with woven roots.
The chapters loom like organic monoliths
Each inch carved with a biography that records a minute history
Intricate weave
Documenting the progression of synchronistic artifacts
Each breeze
Every thunderstorm
An accounting of each knot and gnarl,
The random scars and deliberate marks
Inscribed, noted and em-poemed in stone.

The splendor of his vision
Gossamer connected arches
Shining nouns and singular verbs with buttresses of adjectives
Conceptual cathedrals ink-hewn
Midnight mortar 
A loom of pencil and pen.

I cannot read Thomas Wolfe.
His work is larger than I am- 
The tyranny of reader and work
Subject and object is overturned:
For Wolfe there is no seventh day.
You cannot close the book 
You cannot stop creation
To play God would be obscene.
The potter becomes the vessel
The vessel becomes a tower and swallows the moon.

Wolfe creates worlds with life
They live and breathe, have form and breadth and exist in space.
Like immense vistas
Solar systems with gravity.
He paints pictures that tremble with a pulse:
The sweeping shores and wide waters
The misted islands of Puget Sound
Rich with trees
The smell of moist earth mixed with old leaves
The rough solidity of granite in the sun
Residue of snow on the mountain
Soft sand with a hint of heat.
His man walks
Has meat in his voice
A button is missing on a sleeve
There are wrinkles in the corners of his eyes.

No, you must eat his words
Digest them.
Dig holes in the hills and valleys of his books
Excavate into the loam of his thoughts
And like a heavy cake, eat slow bites.
Dip into the waters
The warm shallows
The translucent mean where silver trout gleam
Into the deep cold where darkness is a current
Sip them
Drink them down
Savor like a connoisseur.

Wolfe carved his Michelangelo's and bound them into books
A universe un-contained by any beach of sand.
Explorers and wanderers walk his shores
Waves wash their feet
The sun is reverent while the land sings.